Sunday, June 14, 2015

How to Lose Inches Off Your Waist

How to Lose Inches Off Your Waist

Having a small and tight waistline is the desire of millions of women worldwide. It's no doubt that a shapely waist contributes to a more feminine and sexy body shape which is why women spend so much time doing waist trimming exercises.
If you want to lose inches off your waist, you've come to the right article. I want to tell you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about how to get the perfect waistline without sugarcoating anything.
I'll just lay it down as it is, the steps you need to take, some exercise to use, and the one and only true way to lose belly and waist fat and get that body you've always wanted.
This will require some effort on your part as well as a mindset switch. However, the results may well be worth it. Indeed, you may wish that you've followed these tips years ago. It is never too late. Let us begin.

The Truth About Waist Exercises

Women spend hours working on their waist doing bends, twists, and other exercises in the hope that it will somehow cause those stubborn love handles to melt away.
The truth that it won't and the reason is simple: there is no such thing as spot fat reduction. You can try to burn off fat from a specific body part by doing focused exercises but it will not work. This is one of the most common exercise myths. To really burn waist fat you need to look at your body as a single unit and burn fat from all over. Your waist will follow suit and tone up as well.
This is why machines that target the waist like the Ab Circle Pro machine aren't really that useful and why women can spend hours doing stomach and waist exercises and have little to show for it
This doesn't mean that waist trimming exercises are useless. They can do wonders to increase muscle tone and shape your waistline but it will only show impressive results when you burn off the fat that's covering it.
Don't worry, burning off fat is just what this article is all about, so read on...
The Real Way to Burn Fat
The one true way to lose inchest off your waist is a 3 step process:
1. You've got to eat right by following a sensible and balanced eating plan. I hope you noticed that I didn't say diet plan but an eating plan, because the goal is not just to lose weight but to burn fat as well.
Your nutrition plays a key role in determining how many calories you burn throughout the day and makes sure you don't sabotage your own efforts by eating the wrong things. Too many people spend hours at the gym but have nothing to show for it due to bad eating. To really get results you need to eat healthy and lean.
2. To burn off waist fat and body fat in general, you have to workout. Cardio is an excellent way to burn off fat quickly but it still depends a lot on how you do it.
Your choice of workouts has a major effect on the kind of results you can hope to achieve. One tip is to choose intensive cardio workouts because they burn more calories. Another tip is to focus on how hard the workout is and not just on how much time you do it. After all, running for 30 minutes burns more calories than walking for 35, right?
Make sure each workout is intensive and challenging.
3. To boost your metabolism, increase muscle tone, and firm up your body, cardio will not be enough. You need to make sure you do regular weight training workouts at the gym or a at home. Weight training is often neglected by women because they're afraid to bulk up.
I'm here to tell you that this is nonsense. You can increase muscle mass and not bulk up. In fact, most women just don't have the genetic tendency to bulk up anyway, so do strength training without any hesitation.
I recommend that you follow a detailed and extensive diet and fitness program which is targeted to help you lose belly and waist fat. It will help you get excellent results very quickly. Here is the program that I recommend because I know that it works: Truth About Six Pack Abs
Once you cut off the fat, all the hard work you put into doing specific waist toning exercises will show off as there will be much less fat to cover the firm muscle tissue beneath.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

35 Calorie Chocolate Ice Cream

Fill a large zip lock bag with ice and add a 1/2 cup of table salt. The salt is to make the ice super cold and speed freezing. It does not touch the ice cream. 
Then in a measuring cup, pour 1 cup of almond milk (I like unsweetened Silk), 1/2 tsp vanilla, 1 tbls of cocoa and 2 tbsp of a natural sweetener. 
Mix well and pour liquid into a smaller zip lock bag and seal it tight. Place the small bag inside the larger bag, seal and then shake vigorously for 4 to 5 minutes until the mixture hardens. 

Tip: use oven mitts to keep your hands from getting too cold as you shake the bag. Also, consider adding cinnamon, or instant coffee to the mixture for variety. Enjoy! * Add a scoop of vanilla protein and it’s an awesome meal replacement!